ConstructSim Planner CONNECT Edition Update 5 Help

CSV File Format Operators

You can use any of the following comparison operators (=, <, >, >=, <=, <>, IN, LIKE). IN can be used with a set of values in parentheses, for example (3,6,8). LIKE can be used with wild card characters as follows:

* Zero or more of any character
? Any single character
A* Starts with A
*A Ends with A
"A" Match entire text
[a-m] Any character from "a" to "m"
[0-12] Any number from 0 to 12
\* The actual character "*"
\? The actual character "?"
\& The actual character "&"
\- The actual character "-"
\[ The actual character "["
\] The actual character "]"
\( The actual character "("
\) The actual character ")"